Saturday, August 31, 2019

Palliative Care Essay

1. What is Palliative Care? (150 words) Palliative Care is a care provided when someone is living with, and dying from a fatal chronic condition where the primary goal is maintaining quality of life. It provides special supportive care for anyone who is suffering a life-threatening condition approaching the end of life. Palliative care is for any age, those with cancer or any other terminal diagnosis, people of any ethnic or cultural background, whether they may live in the countryside or the city. Palliative care maintains quality of life, provides comfort although it does not cure, It relieves pain and distress for patients who are on a terminal condition. Palliative care also offers support for the patient’s family members supporting them in bereavement 2. What is meant by a life limiting illness (50 words) A life limiting illness is the term used to describe the illnesses where death is expected to be the foreseeable future of that specified illness. This can be both malignant and non-malignant illness. Such illness may include cancer, renal disease, dementia, heart disease chronic liver disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 3. Identify five members of a Palliative care multi -disciplinary health care team and briefly state what knowledge and skills each discipline contributes to the team . 1) Nurses – Nurses are the front liners in patient care and directly deals with the patient. Registered Nurses plan, direct, and coordinate care. License practical nurses works with RNs and other health professionals to provide direct care. 2) Pharmacists – The pharmacist can educate the patient and the family on how to take and manage side effects of the medications; give the doctor advice on how to administer the medication, prepare the medication, help set a schedule of taking medication, and provide ongoing monitoring of all medications. 3) Chaplains – Chaplains addresses the spiritual needs of patients like praying and answering theological questions. The help with the search for meaning in the person’s life and in the reflection of matters of faith such as prayer and rituals 4)  Physician/Family Doctor – The physician is the one in charge of a person’s medical care and works closely with the patient, patient’s family, and the palliative home care. The family doctor can refer the patient for palliative care consult. 5) Social Workers – Social workers help the patient and family in dealing with personal and social problems of illness. They assist in making referrals to community services, planning discharge to home or to a hospice, and completing advance directives in case a person loses the ability to speak for himself. 4. Describe how nurses could facilitate a â€Å" good death† by following the palliative care approach (75 words) Nurses are the one that provide direct care to the patients. They are the one who assess the patient and the first one to see any improvements or any abnormalities on patient’s condition. Nurses are the one who manage the pain and any discomfort of the patient. They are the one whom the patient talks to about their feeling and nurses must use their therapeutic and non-therapeutic communications when handling palliative patients. Nurses must also provide a safe and comfortable environment to the patients and removing any stimuli. 5. Describe how respiratory and cardiovascular factors in terminal illnesses affect the clients ADLS ADL’s are greatly affected by respiratory and cardiovascular factors because they are unable to do things they used to do. In a simple walk they can be easily exhausted, fatigued and feeling weak. Sometimes they need assistance to do their daily routine because they cannot handle it by themselves. This is all because of the respiratory and cardiovascular factors that affected them, there will be decrease in circulation and oxygenation making them feel weak on doing simple tasks. In serious cases, patient might have other complications due to lack of exercise and immobility like pneumonia and pressure areas. 6. Research and summarise the practices of Aboriginal people in relation to death and dying (100 words ) Indigenous Australians have similar practices to the general Australian population the main differences that when they gather for the purpose to share their grief and sorrow they will never again speak the name of the deceased as they believe this may stop their spirit  from moving onto the next stage of life. At the wake they paint themselves with ochre body paint and sing, dance pray assisting the soul of their loved one to move along and return to their birthplace to be re born. Their belief is that all things may posses a soul and that the soul of the deceased may return in any form even that of a rock. These ways are very traditional and differ even between tribal areas and current beliefs of the individuals. 7. What is an Advanced Health Directive and describe the advantages of having a directive in place? A written document stating ones wishes for care, primarily life sustaining measures when he or she is no longer capable to express him/herself/ 8. What is meant by life sustaining measures? Put simply is when your bodies system fails and will not recover leaving the only outcome of death a machine is used to replace the function 9. What happens if a client has no AHD and becomes too ill to express their care wishes? (30 words) When a client has no AHD they are treated as normal under the health teams objective to preserve life meaning they will be resuscitated and all attempts will be made to maintain life. Alternatively this is where the decision-making can become that of the families or a member of family. 10. Can instructions be written for doctors to assist the client to die? and how (30 words ) Advance health directives are used by patients for their future treatment when they cannot be able to speak by themselves. Doctors cannot assist the patient to die unless it is the will of the patient. There cannot be written any instruction to assist the patient to die as currently this is illegal and the health practitioner that does perform such duties with be trialled for murder. 11 . Can a client change or revoke an AHD ?. (30 words )  Patient can change their advance health directive at any time, provided that they will still have the decision – making capacity. Patient can also revoke their AHD having their signature witnessed. 12. .A family is in conflict over the treatment of their family member who is dying .The patient is in a terrible amount of pain ,yet some members want less pain relief as they don’t want him to be too drowsy .Should the patient be able to die with dignity with controlled pain relief or live longer in pain ? Explain your rationale and reflect your thoughts on this .Also how would you support the family with this dilemma ? (100 words) The aim of palliative care is to maintain integrity and quality of client’s life while he/she is battling an incurable illness. Quality of life includes ensuring that the patient is comfortable and pain free. In this situation, providing education to the patient’s family is important by trying to make them understand the advantages as well as disadvantages of providing pain relief to the client. Providing terminally ill patients adequate pain relief is vital in the outcome of palliative care. 13. The care plan states that your patient is to have a shower every day at the family’s request .You are helping to get out of bed and she states â€Å" I don’t think I can shower today â€Å"You also note that she is short of breath. What is the appropriate response to this situation? What actions would you take? (50 words) I will assist the patient back in bed and elevate the head of bed to 45 degrees or higher then check her vital signs. In short, I will grant the patient’s wish of staying in bed and let the patient rest. If she prefers a bed bath because she’s not feeling well, then bed bath should be rendered. I will also assess her vital signs and neurological observations then inform the RN and the attending physician. How would you communicate these events to the patients family when they arrive ? Once the family arrives, we could inform them that the patient is not feeling well and is short of breath so she refused to be given a bath. Explain to them that vital signs were checked, attending physician has been informed of the situation, and appropriate intervention was already given. 14†¦Consider the following symptoms and list strategies you could use to implement to assist the client (150 words) Abdominal bloating and discomfort Moist gurgling respirations Reddened sacrum Dysphagia Opioid induced constipation Strategies include: Instruct client or family to avoid carbonated drinks and gas forming food such as cabbage and beans. Advise to chew slowly and not to eat too much food at once Inform the doctor about the condition for a medication to be ordered if not alleviated Maximising the client’s oxygenation through positioning the client upright Providing supplemental oxygen and maintaining patent airway through deep breathing exercises Suctioning if required Physiotherapy 15. Describe how you would respond to the following questions /request for information Why is he continuing to have pain when he is barely conscious? Although the client is barely conscious, it doesn’t mean that he is not in pain. The manifestations of pain could not only be appreciated through verbal or physical gestures but also through vital signs. Pain could cause the blood pressure to shoot up as well as the respiration and pulse rate. Why does her breathing sound so bad? The breathing is due to the decrease in oxygenation that causes the respirations to be rapid or slow, shallow and irregular. Breath sounds may become wet and noisy, which are due to the accumulation of mucus in the airways and the patient’s inability to expectorate their secretions due to muscle weakness and decreased gag reflex. How much longer will this go on for? (50 words) This kind of breathing will go on until the vital organs and systems stop  functioning. Generally, respiration ceases first. 16 . Palliative care can be challenging environment to work in. Discuss ways in which you could ensure you care for yourself and why this is so important It is important to maintain a healthy body & mind if you are to be working in such an environment as you are a key element of care to both the patient and their family. Ways to maintain your own health are to maintain a journal and to actively seek out and debrief or find a professional to discuss your personal concerns with. Fitness and physical activities or simple stretches and/or yoga or pilates sessions can also be just as beneficial as much as it is about your physical benefits it can also assist in relinquishing any built up stressors. 17†¦Mr J ones care plan states that he must have a blood transfusion if his HB falls below 8.0 .Hi test today shows 6.5 .He is short of breath and fatigued .As the RN leaves the room after informing Mr Jones that he is to have a transfusion he says that he does not want the transfusion and that he has had enough and just wants to die .What are your actions and response to this situation ? (50 words) As it is already established why he does not wish to receive the treatment I would simply discuss why the transfusion is done and how non invasive the process is and its benefits. However in saying this the situation presented is one where the patient is obviously in emotional distress. I would notify the RN, MO &/or Doctor. Depending upon the end resolve next of kin may also be notified should treatment cease so as they can be prepared for any outcome. In my scope I would notify & document. Provide education where needed and support the patient making referral to social services or identified individuals who have already had dealings with the patient on a faith or belief basis it may also be beneficial. The MO/Doctor will deem if the patient is of sound mind to make such decisions and/or discuss with the patients substitute decision maker/s. 18. .Access a local group or organization in your community and identify what resources the organization offers to patients and their families for  bereavement counselling ,education and support .How can clients access the information (50 words)? A good provider of a full range of services is the Salvation Army as being already well established they have an extensive knowledge base and well thought processes being implemented. Counseling and education is available over the phone 24/7 and can be useful for any circumstance from distress & grief to suicidal moments. They also offer face to face counceling and can cover a full topic range, along with those already mentioned they can also discuss and assist with finance, drug abuse, domestic violence, homelessness, youth issues and even hostel and aged care assistance. The salvation armies care line phone number nationally is 1300 36 36 22 19†¦Care of the body after death is a vital aspect of palliative care and is based on cultural and religious beliefs, which includes issues of organ donation ,post mortem and autopsy .Briefly provide some information on the above in regards to – The Jewish community ( 40 words ) From the time of death to the funeral the body is to always be accompanied and never alone. Jewish religious law also preserves the respect for the dead. These rites may include: Closing of eyes and mouth Applying clay over the eyelids Facing the body toward the door Placing the body on the floor for 20 minutes Placing the arms alongside the body rather than folded over the chest Purification of the body Wrapping the body in a white shroud and (for men) in a prayer shawl Customarily, only members of the same sex are permitted to touch the corpse These rituals may be facilitated by family members, the funeral home, and/or the Chevrah Kadish (burial society) Keeping with the Jewish laws of not mutilating a body autopsies and organ donations can also be prohibited but it has been known on occasion for organs to be donated to family members. – The Muslim community (40 words ) For those of Islam the process is quiet simple the body is to be bathed and  shrouded (3 pieces of cloth for men and 5 for women) and buried as soon as possible. In the meanwhile prays will be made and loved ones begin grieving and the mourning process over 3 days. The main points of interest is that the grave is to be aligned perpendicular to Mecca as for other burial traditions they vary between regions. Cremation is forbidden and organ donation is permissible generally as long as it is to save life. Autopsies are a grey area in that there is no religious decry but many would prefer not to as a quick burial is preferred however if it where for legal reasons it has been allowed. 20. Discuss three legal and ethical issues that are related to Palliative. Briefly discuss (80 words) Legal Issues: Currently under law and a part of all practitioners industry acts is to do no harm as I have discussed previously any practitioner under current legislation to participate in euthanasia would be tried for murder. I don’t agree with this personally and even more so that should the individual perform the duties themselves it would be considered suicide negating any legacy or insurances taken to look after their families as part of their comfort in knowing the family will be cared for. Ethically: I agree with the article (link above) in that humans do play god in most aspects of the anatomy and health care we provide interventions that would cease the natural course of any ailment, we preserve the life of those inflicted with chronic illnesses, we intervene in every aspect even without knowing the full course or purpose of the health issue in the first place. The results of intervention are starting to become clear in our society, reduced immunity, fragile and susceptible bodies I believe may only be the beginning what happens after a couple generations of this. Yet we will sit on our hands when the individual is left with no dignity, pride or human rights and wait for what could now almost be looked as The Miracle of Death. Did the gather hunters have it right back in the beginning? I think if I where void of all senses and only had very basic neurological activity and being kept alive for the sole purpose of viewing and an observation tool I think if I could speak I would speak of cruelty and probably win a court case for it.  Don’t get me wrong though, I am not pro euthanasia either however if we are to take a debate on that topic then why stop intervening in nature and playing god when it comes to end. 21. List some of the ways that you can manage the hydration and nutritional requirements of the client during the end of life stage (80 words ) A fluid balance chart, cardiovascular and visual observations of skin turgor, lips and mucousal linings would be a good indication for both hydration and nutrition. Depending how long the client has been in your care you may also be able to view changes in nails, hair and eyes these may also be good diagnostic tools and also ensure regular visits from the dietician and adherence to the plan. 22. Pain management is an important aspect of palliative care. Discuss six ways that pain symptoms can be managed without medication (50 words ) Any distraction can assist in removing the focus from pain. Massage can assist in relieving muscles, has a diversion and therapeutic effect also. Hot & cold packs, sleep, exercise, music, essential oils and simple stretches all can contribute in alleviating or reducing pain. 23 . List five barriers to effective pain management (30 words ) A barrier is as defined is anything that can restrict the patient from achieving an outcome. Given this as a starting point and making the target to be effective pain management or free of then the barriers are endless. They can range from family members to low medication supply through to increased resilience to medications or organ failure. Not to mention the individuals psyche emotion and physical state, they may manifest pain that doesn’t exist or they may be overly stressed causing pain to increase they may also be in blatant refusal of care, have fears, language & cultural differences, communication the barriers are endless and should I have a full education in multiple fields and endless time to study and read random information I’m sure there would be many others to add to the list. 24. List the five stages of dying according to Dr Kubler -Ross ( 10 words) The five stages of dying are  Denial- this is natural and defence mechanism where people may not accept the fact that they are dying or will die. Anger- Upon realisation of the situation to they may get frustrated and angry about their predicament, how and why it has happened. Bargaining- in this stage they realise that they are dying soon and pray for more time. Such phrases like ‘I’ll be a better person, father or Partner’ would be commonly heard. Depression- The person has accepted the fact and is sad about the fact they are dying. They have realised the ultimatum and may have regret over past choices or behaviours and can do nothing about it. Acceptance- People realise that they are dying and finally accept it and have come to a kind of peace with the situation. CASE STUDY # 2 Using this case study Outline some nursing interventions that demonstrate applying a palliative care approach using the following headings (150 words) – Spiritual: Patient in a palliative care often spend their time praying and they become closer to God as they get old. Always respect the patient’s beliefs and values. If the patient is praying do no interrupt him and to the procedures when he is finished praying. Ask him if he want a priest to visit him and give him some prays. Always know the patient’s religion and his beliefs to avoid conflict on giving care – Comfort: The main goal of the palliative care is to give provide comfort to the patient. Always ask the patient how they are feeling or if they need some help. Simple chat with the patient makes them comfort, a simple questions like â€Å"How are you?† can make them feel special and they might think there is still someone who cares to them. Giving what patient’s need and attend to those needs makes the patient feels comfortable. – Legal: Patient at this stage have their Advance Health Directives, it is a legal document for that the patient did for his future treatment and must be implemented. Always provide patient’s autonomy. We as EEN must always maintain confidentiality and privacy of the patient. – Pain management: Pain assessment is important for management of the pain. We must always assess the patient’s pain and must have intervention to the pain not only in a pharmacological way but also in a non-pharmacological way because some of the patient cannot take too much medicines. Always ask the patient how are they and report to us if they feel any pain. – Elimination bowel and urinary: At this time patient’s elimination changed unlike before, some of the patient are incontinent of urine and faeces due to deterioration of the body. Make sure to educate the patient about normal aging that incontinence is a normal process of aging. We must monitor their Input and Output and document it on a Fluid Balance Chart if necessary. If the patient is constipated encourage them to increase fibre in diet and have some exercise. Assist the patient always in the toilet early in the morning and use toilet chair if necessary. – Skin Integrity: As the patient goes old, their skin becomes dry and fragile. Encourage the patient to use lotion or moisturiser on their skin so that their skin will not be dry. Prevent the patient to have pressure areas by repositioning the patient to different sides every 4 hours. Assess the skin for pressure areas and put some cream on those areas. Document any abnormalities to patient’s skin such as redness and bruise. – Mobility: Provide patient independence on their care to promote range of motion. Refer patient to physiotherapist if necessary. Encourage the patient to exercise daily. If the patient have mobility aids educate the patient on how to use it properly. – Mental health physiological support: Patients at this point becomes depressed and feels alone. Always provide communication to the patient using therapeutic and non- therapeutic approach. Always talk to the patient or ask the family to visit the patient. Describe how you could improve the room and environment for Alexander (100 words) Ask the children to bring pictures of themselves and the parents to  bring in any items they think would make the room more comfortable but allow Alexander to decide if they stay†¦ Greenery never hurts and/or a fresh breeze through the window and perhaps a couple science orientated magazines on the side table to peak his curiosity as if you do a trade long enough you will always have a professional interest whether you want it or not. Reference: Crisp, J, Taylor, C, Douglas, C & Rebeiro, G 2013, Potter and Perry’s Fundamentals of Nursing 4th Ed. Elsevier Mosby, Sydney. Brown, D., & Edwards, H. (2012). Lewis’s Medical Surgical Nursing (3rd ed.). Sydney, Australia: Mosby, Elsevier Department of Attorney General 2014, Advance Health Directives, viewed 10 September 2014, End of life Care Network, Life limiting illness, 2011, Viewed on 09 September 2014 Hibbert C 2014, Dealing with grief:The 5 Stages of Grief, viewed 10 September 2014, O’Connor, M & Aranda, S 2003, Palliative Care Nursing – A Guide to Practice 2nd Ed. Ausmed Publications, Melbourne. NSW Board of Jewish Education 2012, Autopsy, Transplantation, Insemination and abortion, viewed 10 September 2014, Palliative Care Council, What is Palliative Care, 2012, Viewed on 09 September 2014 Tasmania Department of Health and Human Services 2013, Palliative Care Team, viewed 10 September 2014, World Health Organisation 2014, WHO definition of Palliative Care, viewed 10 September 2014,

Friday, August 30, 2019

Economics Unit Portfolio Essay

1) In 1861 Abraham Lincoln introduced income tax during the Civil War when he needed money to pay his army. 2) That every consumer paid the same tax for the product no matter what their income is. 3) I would agree with Benton McMillin. Education is one considered a free institution. Using the education system helps someone become smarter and that helps accumulate wealth. Part 2 – Internet Taxation 1) Because not collecting tax means the internet retailer can offer lower prices than other stores. It can kill their business with lower profit margins. 2) Taxing internet retailers would discourage investment employment growth. The shipping costs for online transactions can cancel out any price advantage. 3) I disagree that taxing the internet would discourage new technology investment and employment growth. 4) Computer hardware is more expensive than books or clothing. Part 3 – Economic Detective activity 1) With the decline in business in Centreville the tax base will drop. There will be smaller amount of businesses and people paying taxes. 2) The operating budget would decrease because of the decline in businesses. 1) Increase fines for texting while driving, drunk driving, tailgating,  aggressive driving, public intoxication, toll violations and other crimes. Increase fines for all violators of health and safety regulations in business, especially the food service industry. Lower the taxes can increase economic activity and provides incentives for taking risks in investments. 2) Increasing fines for individuals or businesses. 1) A. By using the capital funds from the other project to buy the warehouse. B. The indoor mall would attract businesses to lease from the city in the mall. 2) There will be more revenue from the sales and more jobs for people of the city. 3) Tax deductions for energy savings. Corporate income tax credit. Sales tax exemption. Payroll tax deductions. Part 4 – Summary questions 1) Challenges to implement a fair tax system: a. People agreeing on a fair tax system. It seems that most will not agree on every aspect of creating a fair tax system. b. Implementing a fair tax system would take power out of the hands of politicians. c. The poor would suffer more than the wealthy with a fair tax system. 2) Sales tax. Each person is charged at the same rate on their purchases. The wealthy will pay more sales tax because they have more disposable income.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Study Of How Sound Is Used In Greg Gliennas Short Film, The Elevator

A Study Of How Sound Is Used In Greg Glienna's Short Film, The Elevator â€Å"The Elevator† Usage of Sound I recently watched the comedic short film â€Å"The Elevator† by Greg Glienna. The film describes the everyday struggles and worries of riding in an elevator. While these struggles are dramatized, it serves as a good representation of what we’re all feeling at times. It touches on issues such as overcrowding, worries about the maximum weight capacity, and being in a compact space with sick people. While the film is short and simple, it uses both diegetic and nondiegetic sounds to capture the mood. The short film starts with a lack of sound as the man approaches the elevator. The diegetic sounds finally start when the elevator dings and the man shuffles in. Tinny elevator music then starts playing, to add further to the fact that yes, he is in an elevator. The choice in elevator music is very stereotypical; smooth jazz music that one would expect to be playing. The music precedes to get louder whenever the elevator stops to let more people in. The increasing volume adds to the mood of the scene, portraying the main character’s annoyance. The diegetic sound of the elevator dinging whenever it opens adds a sense of doom, especially the longer the viewer watches every time it dings, more people seem to shuffle into the already crowded elevator. Finally, the elevator dings again and the music stops, possibly to represent the people in the elevator’s relief that someone is about to get off. I feel that the elevator music in general represents the agitated mood in the elevator, and a break in it only represents good things to come. However, another man gets on board and the music continues. While someone is calculating the overall weight capacity of the elevator, the elevator starts to make strained groaning sounds. This creates a mood of apprehension and foreboding; is the elevator going to crash, killing everyone? It takes the audience down a suspenseful path, as they were probably presuming that the short film was a comedy. As the elevat or falls, the elevator music stops as well, indicating the shift in the mood. However, it eventually resumes and the annoyed mood is present again. The only diegetic talking that occurs in the short film is when a man excuses himself off the elevator when an overweight man is approaching. This contrasts against the rest of the film and its lack of dialogue, adding a sense of urgency to the man wanting to get off. In my opinion, the scene would not have been as funny if he had not spoken at all and you were unable to pick up the intonation in his voice. There is silence in the film again when the main man manages to get out of the elevator. The lack of tinny elevator music or dialogue indicates the sense of relief that the main character is feeling; he is finally free from the sounds and the overcrowding. However, a different set of obnoxious elevator music starts playing again when the second elevator arrives, also full of people. This adds again to the sense of unfavorable conditio ns, of how unfortunate it is that this would happen again. It also adds to the humor of the scene as it creates a circumstance that the audience can relate to. The sounds of people coughing and sniffling are present during the next elevator scene, indicating that the main character is in an elevator full of sick people. The addition of these diegetic sounds adds to the humorous dread, as they are present in excess. While it is common to hear a cough or two, rarely is it an elevator full of coughing people. One of the coughing sounds is made louder than the others as the scene focuses on a glob of spit landing on the main man’s neck. This adds emphasis to the sick man’s cough in particular, making it the focus and an addition to the horrified mood. There only appears to be one non-diegetic noise in the short film. This occurs during a scene in the first elevator, when an overweight man is approaching the already full elevator. Low, brassy music that resembles the shark movie â€Å"Jaws† theme begins to play. This is a sound that the viewer is most likely already familiar with, adding to both the tone of the scene and the comedic value. The dreading tone is established by the fact that the viewer knows that the theme plays whenever a shark is approachingthe elevator’s demise. The comedic effect comes from the fact that the short film is comparing an obese man to a deadly shark. While the film is short and simple, without much variety in sounds and music, the times in which it does use sound are very effective because of it. Overall, I enjoyed this short film. I thought it was funny and very relatable, and I laughed a couple times throughout it. I didn’t think I would like it, just because it was a short film, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Globalisation - Essay Example This article discusses major implications created by globalisation for Governments, organisations and individuals. The article strongly advocates a neutral perspective, the pros and cons of globalisation. The pro and anti-globalist agenda, challenges faced by governments and its effects on individual organisations have been considered to explain the phenomenon referred to as globalisation. Technology has reduced the communication gaps between geographies. Travelling across national borders has been made easier and as a result doing business internationally has lesser complications in the modern age. The introduction and implementation of International Accounting Standards (IAS’s) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS’s) has made comparisons between organisations appropriate. Comparable and understandable flow of financial information has developed greater trust amongst investors. Formation of European Union, African Union and the Arab League has further cracked open the case for globalisation. Similar laws and regulation prevailing through the Middle East, the common currency usage across Europe and the fusion of cultures has further escalated the pace of Globalisation. Globalisation accelerates the exchange of ideas and commodities over massive distances. Generally it can be held that as economies emerge and adapt to work together, they experience growth and opportunities to expand across national borders. It can also be advocated strongly that increased globalisation has created fierce competition amongst economies, nations, corporations and individuals. The concept of globalisation is not as simple as it jingles along. Repercussions of the process are severe. This article discusses major implications created by globalisation for Governments, organisations and individuals. The article strongly advocates a neutral perspective, the pros and cons of globalisation. The pro and anti-globalist agenda, challenges faced by governments an d its effects on individual organisations have been considered to explain the phenomenon referred to as globalisation. (ACCA, 2011) As globalisation become more universal, responses against and for have materialised. The powerful pro-globalisation lobby advocates their perspective as being adequate. Their argument indeed has much weight. They strongly support the idea that globalisation brings forth opportunities for nearly every one. Increased competition amongst organisations can provide numerous opportunities for individual growth and would create better employment opportunities. It reduces the impact of few capitalists dictating the economy as they see fit. Thereby increasing standards of living amongst the citizens and pushing the GDP positive. The main pro-globalisation organisations promoting it are the World Trade Organisation and the World Economic forum. The world trade organisation is a member driven institute. Its purpose of existence is to oversee the global rules of tr ade between nations. Its core responsibility is to make certain that trade flows smoothly and freely. Similarly the world economic forum is an independent organisation involved in improving the worlds business, academic and political environments. Both the organisations through series of debate and negotiations with member countries have achieved milestones which seemed impossible at one stage (Macdonald,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Negative Effects of Social Networking Sites on Teens Thesis

The Negative Effects of Social Networking Sites on Teens - Thesis Example There are a number of potential negative implications of this phenomenon for adolescents and parents. For me, based on my observations, two of these negative effects are major. First concerns safety. There are many instances, as we always see in the news, where sexual offenders have been successful locating teenagers through the private information posted in their social networking profiles. Information that these youngsters think would only be of importance for or for the use of their family and friends can be accessed by strangers with harmful outcomes. Second concerns employment opportunities in the future. Employers locate unfavorable information about the past of the individual as s/he seeks employment. Injurious information could be posted that bad people could change to harm the person’s reputation. Primarily, several studies have revealed adolescent health concerns caused by online victimization and threatening sexual solicitation (Romm-Livermore & Setzekorn, 2009). Th ese dangerous sexual solicitations takes places when teenagers are invited to take part in sexual interaction or sexual relationships or to give private sexual information. This is confirmed to me by one of my friends who told me that a young girl persuaded him to take off his clothes in front of the webcam. Online victimization is identified by humiliating or antagonistic remarks or statements posted about a teenager on the Internet. As narrated by one of the teenagers I interviewed for this paper, â€Å"A classmate made a very bad joke by posting things about me on Facebook and spreading rumors about me having sexual interaction with different guys in chat rooms. These guys are total strangers to me, I do not know them. She started doing this when I got... As the essay declares social networking sites have in fact inherent positive and negative implications. Obviously, these are websites open to the prying public. People from all walks of life can access and use them. There are a number of potential negative implications of this phenomenon for adolescents and parents. For me, based on my observations, two of these negative effects are major. First concerns safety. There are many instances, as we always see in the news, where sexual offenders have been successful locating teenagers through the private information posted in their social networking profiles. This paper stresses that information that these youngsters think would only be of importance for or for the use of their family and friends can be accessed by strangers with harmful outcomes. Second concerns employment opportunities in the future. Employers locate unfavorable information about the past of the individual as s/he seeks employment. Injurious information could be posted that bad people could change to harm the person’s reputation. Online victimization is connected to coexisting psychosocial difficulties and emotional problems. Definitely, the avoidance of these negative experiences is greatly vital. Whether current recommendations to control or in other ways discourage teenagers from taking part in online social networking are an essential attempt in doing has still to be empirically and systematically studied.

Monday, August 26, 2019

MKT Week 3 DB SA Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

MKT Week 3 DB SA - Case Study Example This is because they will handle nearly everything in regards to the development of the software thereby making the inventor appear as a purchaser of his own software. There is no perfect way to position the product because it is not even clear how it will operate and its functionalities. Additionally, legal implications have not been considered thoroughly as it appears it will be breaching patient’s privacy. The idea of Popchips as a product and even the marketing strategy of this product are well developed. Moreover, the product has been presented in a very innovative manner by even highlighting on the uniqueness of the product as well as its competitive advantages. One of the unique factors that will position the product competitively in the market is the fact that it contains less calories and this will be able to attract many customers because most of the them are nowadays health conscious and they avoid consuming products with high fat content. Popchips can be well positioned in the market if the marketing campaigns emphasize on the fact that it contains low fat content and perhaps the product should solely be focused on the market of health conscious consumers who prefer food items that contain low fat. The legal implications concerning the marketing of this product have been clearly stated and even alternative strategies have been selected to ensure the marketing campaign does not violate any ethical and/ or legal

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Incarceration Rates in Juvenile Offenders Essay

Incarceration Rates in Juvenile Offenders - Essay Example are all strongly linked to the drug business. The Juvenile Justice System is the legal system responsible for looking after cases involving the minors. The system came into being in 1899 in the US policy so that the young people can understand the effects of their actions, and comprehend the irreversible reality of committing a criminal act. The other reason that the Juvenile Justice System was formed was because of the peril youth faced in the adult prison. Young offenders were at a great risk of being molested at the hands of adult criminals and committing suicide. Those children who end up in adult institutions, however, have it worst of all. Children in any adult institution are more vulnerable and more likely to be exploited as the Amnesty report says that they are eight times more likely to commit suicide, five times more likely to be raped, and thrice more likely to be crushed by workers than are kids in juvenile confinements. (Amnesty, 1998) America's juvenile justice system is there to keep its nationals safe and guiding delinquent youth on the right track. Fulfilling these two major responsibilities has put the policymakers and public in general, in a tight spot; as in which of the two aims should receive the most weightage, and thus, funding. (Juvenile Justice) In a stark contrast to the bas... (Mears 2006).The 1990s saw legislatures across the country enact laws under which an increasing number of delinquents could be tried in criminal courts and sent to prison. In almost every state of the US, youths aged 13 or 14 (or less) can be prosecuted and punished as adults for a broad range of offenses, even including nonviolent crimes. Even within the juvenile system, punishments have grown progressively crueler. Amnesty's findings say that there are 200,000 children per year are prosecuted in general criminal courts, and approximately 7,000 of those children locked up in jails before trial. Over 11,000 delinquents are presently being imprisoned in adult correctional facilities (Amnesty International 1998). State Level Variation Though an exponential increase in juvenile incarcerations, little thought has been given to the inter-state variations. According to Mears in his Prison Journal (2006) these are four possible reasons: First, expenditure in juvenile incarceration would be greater where symbolic intimidations to social order are pretty high. Second, it would be more in those states where crime rate, especially juvenile violent crime, is high. Third, juvenile incarceration would imitate those deemed appropriate for adult offenders; so the states with higher adult incarceration rates may incarcerate more juveniles. Finally, if the juvenile incarcerations are culturally accepted then it would lead to higher rates of juvenile incarceration. Public Opinion Matters This trend can be attributed to the public concern about the threat of youth after highly publicized crimes such as school shootings etc. But the fact is that the assorted opinion surveys which have

Implications of Economics and Policy for Healthcare Professionals Research Paper

Implications of Economics and Policy for Healthcare Professionals - Research Paper Example follows from the ability of the principles to indicate whether the right investments are being made, leading to the creation of more health benefits. The principles also alert individuals, and other stakeholders of any available alternatives that can be used to meet health care needs in a better way. Considering the complex nature of health and health care is important when examining the economic principles related to health care delivery. It allows individuals and institutions to make informed decisions (â€Å"NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation, 2013). Profitable projects get to be implemented at the expense of unprofitable ventures. More to these, the process ensures improved allocation of resources, hence reaping maximum benefits. Learning about health policy leads to numerous benefits. Health policy enlightens on the various ways that the government uses to help its citizens in accessing health care. The government, for example, extends medical services to people who can hardly afford medical care. These include those living below the poverty line, the elderly, and even the disabled. Such knowledge enables health professionals to serve as educators in the society (Harrington & Estes, 2008). This ensures that more people access better health care, thus highlighting the importance of being conversant with the health policy of any government. Being conversant with the health policy also increases the ability to participate in the policy making process of the government, thus making important changes in health care (Bryant, 2002). This can be done through giving suggestions that can help improve the health conditions in a given country. Such participation ensures that critical issues, which the government cannot address in isolation, get to be solved, leading to a healthier society. My major question relates to the actions being taken by the government, given the ever increasing cost of health care. Health care becomes expensive on a daily basis, thus making it

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Job Advertisement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Job Advertisement - Essay Example Furthermore, this job entails not only skills in accommodating guests and making reservations but also certain personal qualities that would be endearing to the guests. The importance of having good skills in cross-cultural communication is a great advantage. Usually, hotel guests are foreigners having a vacation or attending a seminar. According to Blanford ( 2009): â€Å" International businesses are increasingly aware of this fact and assist their employees with learning, adopting, and adapting to cultural norms when doing business in other countries†. ( This opportunity is for those who love to deal with people and make necessary arrangements that would afford the best possible service to a Hotel guest. The person who would fit this job must preferably be : Aside from the aforementioned characteristics, the applicant must be a graduate of a four-year course related to the Hotel industry or its operations. Moreover, the candidate must be outgoing and willing to handle customer complaints tactfully. Applicants with work experience related to this position is an advantage. He/she must be willing to work on a shifting basis. Compensation package would be discussed with the successful applicant. However, since our company is a leader in the industry, we offer higher than industry standard pay as well as fringe benefits. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Application for the position will close on Jan.30,2010. Blanford, K. (2009) Suite101: Cross Cultural Communication: Understanding Human Communication in the Context of Culture. Retrieved from communication on Jan 12